Our kite courses is suitable for beginners as well for experienced kiters who wants to improved their technique or go from water kiting to snow kiting. We adjust the level suitable for each person. The learning progress can vary a lot from person to person. We recommend minimum two days of kiting to get basic knowledge towards self-going kiting. We aim to be outdoors as much as possible but if the weather is difficult we will do more theory indoors. Normally we start the course around 9 am. The course is both theoretical and practical. This will be adjusted by the weather and the energy level of the participants. We also include time for preparations and the wrap-up’ing.
Harness and kite is included in the price. If you wish to bring your own, let us know and we can give you price only for coaching. Own equipment have to be approved by our instructors for safety reasons.
Packing list: Ski clothes, helmet, goggles, gloves, skis, ski-boots and a warm jacket. A bottle of water and snacks is good complements as you will get bot tired and sweaty.